Gallery Pricing Information NEW – “Before Coffee” NEW – “Grizz”—Pack Horse “Labrador Sphinx” “What’s Mine is Mine” “Sweet Dreams” “Time’s Witness” “Going Places” “Original Rodeo Champ” “Mother & Child” “Prickly Pear” “From the Brush Country” “Gentleman Caller” “Lady of the House” “Doug” “Queen of the Mountain” “From the Wellspring” “The White Lady” – Miniature “Cold Turkey” “Moosely Affections” “Jake” “Ready for Winter” “Veteran Traveler” “The End of Diplomacy” “Lamar Contemplation” “Sweet Charlie Brown” “Great Bear Medicine” “Yoga Bear” “Drake” “Mother Protector” “The White Lady” “His Lordship” “Going Places” “The Watchman” “The Critic” “Three Antelope” “Elevation” “Singular Obsession” “Patience is a Virtue” “Quiet Moments” “Patience is a Virtue” – maquette “Quiet Moments” “A Little Revelry” “Home Alone” “A Ton of Momentum” “In the Crags” “Gentleman Caller” “The Quickening” “Sibling Rivalry” “Vigilance” “Sweet Angel” “Jake” “Height of Spring” “Intermission” – **1 remaining** “Emergence” “Devotion” “From the Brush Country” “From the Brush Country” “Sage Thrasher” “Those who Remain” “Something in the Air” “Active Mind” “Lamar Valley Jazz” “Familiar Ground” “Contemplating the Millions” “First Grizzly” “Endurance” “Moving Mountains” “Orphaned Lamb” “Seat of Power” “New Crown” “Like a Rock” “The Matriarch” “Valley Vigil” “Valley Vigil” – maquette “Valley Vigil” – Miniature “Base option for Miniature Alpha Pair” “Border Patrol” “Border Patrol” – maquette “Border Patrol” – Miniature “Three Kittens to Feed” “Young Lady” “Fan Fair” “Unyielding” Pricing Information