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Eavesdropping on Animals: What We Can Learn From Wild Conversations

by George Bumann

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Hi, I'm George Bumann, your guide to animal language

You love being out in nature among the birds, deer, squirrels, and other wild animals, but feel like there’s a barrier between you and true understanding of their behavior.

I felt that way too! Even though I grew up close to nature, spending countless hours in the company of the ducks, geese, turkey, deer, foxes, beavers, and raccoons that inhabited the swamp along the lake where I grew up, I never felt like I was anything more than just a visitor to their world; there was something just out of reach that kept my finger from being placed on the real pulse of my surroundings. 

Even though I spent years researching wild animals in college and graduate school, I still felt like I could only guess what was happening in their lives.  I craved a deeper understanding of their world and my place within it. 

It wasn’t until I discovered the keys that unlocked an understanding of animal language that I began to know the animals around me in a much deeper way. 

Now, years later, I've helped thousands of people discover the wonders of animal language to deepen their knowledge and appreciation of the natural world. 

Thanks so much for buying my book! I'm pleased to share these additional resources with you to help you on your journey towards greater kinship with wild animals. 

©George Bumann/Jenny Golding/A Yellowstone Life