Monthly Archives: March 2014

Radio Interview with “Home Ground” host Brian Kahn

I had the wonderful opportunity to sit down with Brian Kahn of Yellowstone Public Radio’s “Home Ground” Program for a 30-minute interview to talk about nature, Yellowstone Park and the intelligence of animals (this first aired on March 11, 2014)… you might even here a few animal imitations included… Listen in here:


Honoring the Ewe

The “clang, clang” of the lead ewe’s bell has rang in my ears through the studio window for far too many days and so it is today, my birthday, that I take some time to appreciate these ewes before the birthday of their new lambs.

IMGP9677bWire and wood form the spine and legs of the armature with some newspaper added in to take up the extra space.


I have really grown to enjoy this water-based clay that hardens simply by drying in the open air. It does not require firing in a kill and therefore, is wonderful for doing  3-D sketches on site.


My trusty field assistant returns from school to inspect his Papa’s progress on the sculpture after about an hour and a half’s work in the corral.