Monthly Archives: February 2013

“Alphie” has been published!

Alphie Cover 72dpi

Alphie has just been released! Friend and fellow Yellowstone wildlife enthusiast Brian Connolly and I collaborated on his most recent book – his writing and my drawings/sketches detail the story of a lost wolf pup in Lamar Valley of Yellowstone. The book is available on the author’s website HERE.

A Ribbon of Dawn


Left the house before light this morning to simply ‘be’ – no agenda, no obligations – and maybe do some sketching if a motive struck me. I was greeted with this sweet ribbon of dawn as the sun illuminated the lateral drapery in the sky.

Snow Wolves at our Door


Little George asked this morning, as the snow was coming down over northern Yellowstone, if the snow was “good and sticky for snow men?” With the temps creeping up toward 32F in late morning the answer became an emphatic “YES!” I looked at the mound of snow that had been plowed up on the edge of the driveway and thought it would be a perfect chance to do a quick, relatively large-scale study of a wolf sculpture idea… this is what we came up with…